Friday, September 9, 2011

Separation anxiety

Working in a cube is an unnatural ways to exist.  I have a cube, and there is a certain level of comfort/productivity generated by not having to look at people on three sides of you and being sheltered from distractions of other people's work or socializing habits at the office.  On the other hand, the lack of natural light and the feeling that you’re closed in, or backed into a corner starts to ware.

Ohh, and I cannot forget about my previous cube at my old job, the “centralized bube”.  The name originated from a typo in an email referring to my cube in the middle of the office (centralized).  That was back when I decorated my cube so it was pretty fancy.  I don’t do that anymore.  I learned that if you have stuff in your cube, the likelihood that someone will stop by and chat about it increases exponentially.

One thing you cannot avoid or deny when working in a cube environment is learning a lot about your cube-wall-mate.  The cube-wall-mate is an important role in your work-cube-life.  S-he can make or break your daily existence.  I’m very fortunate to have a corner cube, so only 2 cube-wall-mates for me.  The one in front sits kind of farther away, but the one opposite of me has become a companion.  And today, she told me she is leaving.


So yeah, I’m really sad she’s leaving.  She is really cool, tells great stories, doesn’t take bs from anyone (at work or at home), shares my enthusiasm for monthly birthday cake and other snacks at work, and probably does good work.  She will be missed.

I’m also worried about who they will replace her with as my cube-wall-mate (unfortunately, I think I already know who that will be and it’s not a good prospect).  What if I get someone who smells bad and talks too much?  How about one of those people who blows their nose excessively loud? or does the constant sinus clearing/sniffling/grunting sound (which is totally disgusting)?  My quality of life may deteriorate in the coming weeks.

So today I have a little bit of separation anxiety.  It’s anxiety because the separation part hasn’t happened yet.  Also, it just feeds into the general anxiety that I always have about work.  But, this is not about me, she’s moving onto better things so let’s be happy for her!  
…and I’m stuck with a loud smelly fatty (okay the whole blog is about me)…

Dearest readers (Lacey and Chelsea), please have a nice weekend. 

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